As the Dream Act comes closer to voting it is discouraging to see continued misunderstanding of the impact immigrants can have in this nation. From this news story that demonstrates the positive sides of helping immigrant students gain access to higher education it is clear that much of the public feels differently. Comments on the article demonstrate a clear and consistent fear of immigrants entering the nation during an economic downturn. People claim that these immigrants, regardless of their high test scores, leadership positions, and academic dedication, are coming to take jobs away from Americans. This lack of insight is based on a tainted view of how labor and the economy interact.
What many who oppose immigration fail to recognize is the potential new labor, especially skilled labor, can bring to our suffering economy. With immigrants come new ideas, new perspectives and diverse backgrounds that can serve to fuel an economy and business sector lacking innovation and motive. Some new immigrants, with their high ambitions and strong work ethic can provide the leadership necessary to establish new businesses and provide jobs for more Americans. A strong example is in this New York Times article. These immigrants demonstrate their capabilities in academia and deserve the passing of the Dream Act to allow for their skills to be put to efficient use.
It is disheartening to see and hear so many Americans take their citizenship for granted, choosing to ignore the argument that aside from Native Americans, we are all immigrants to this land. Moreover, the consistent declaration that immigrants come to feed off of U.S. social systems is a good example of how generalizations are a poison utilized by the ignorant. From Uncle SPAM:
"As it stands, five percent of all U.S. citizens receive federal aid, while only one percent of households headed by illegal immigrants receive monetary compensation from the welfare system (Rahman, 2008)."
Most immigrants come to our nation for a stronger chance of finding work and for a better future, we have an obligation to provide this to our fellow humans who must face ineffective and corrupt regimes in other parts of the world. The wealth of our nation cannot be taken for granted and we must maintain a deep humility and accept that the foundation of our nation was based on immigrants bringing new perspectives to both our government and economy. Instead of blaming immigrants for their poverty and need for benefits, we should work harder to improve the education and opportunities available to them. Immigrants are one with our past and future and are the reason why this nation will shine long into the horizon.